Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Campers

When I was little and even all growing up I'd go camping with my family. A lot. I guess I got burned out and now I've limited camping to once a year. It's not that I don't like the mountains or fresh air and everything, I just don't have a lot of things to do while camping. I don't like reading, hiking, or fishing. I sleep terribly when I camp. Last year I laid in my sleeping bag until the birds started chirping in the morning and then I finally fell asleep. This year I was able to go to bed after a few hours. Bless my parents hearts for giving Dustin and I the best bed in the trailer. Below are great pictures from our camping trip at Washington Lake:

Me befriending a squirrel

Pulham Enterprise Twins

Washington Lake after it hailed

French braided hair

Lastly, for those of you who are in the same boat about camping, enjoy the following clip:


dydili said...

Oh Katie,
Maybe if you were more in the habit of going to bed. Maybe if you weren't so reliant on a King size bed. Maybe if you played "what stores does my husband like best" just for a few more rounds...

Happy Camper #1

Kathy said...

So I just figured out that you can actually comment on these blog things! Congratulations to me:)Theres something about you that still says "camper" to me. Even if you're grumpy and declare burn out, I think its a temporary condition...