It's been a while since I've posted. Just plugging away...waiting for the weather to warm up and for March to get here. But not to worry, the month of February was well spent. Valentine's Day we went to see Mute Math with our friends, the Rothfels. We met the band and everything thanks to Dustin knowing their guitarist, Todd Gummerman, back from his band days with Chris Merritt. Truly, it was a great concert, this band knows how to perform and interact with the crowd. - Not to mention their music is pretty great too. Enjoy the pictures below (courtesy of Jake who remembered to bring his camera)

Dustin & I flaring our nostrils at the camera. (Not my best angle...)

Me & sweet Diana.

Me standing awkwardly infront of Dustin and the band.

Oh, and of course I can't let a blog post go with out pictures of sweet 7 month old Noah.

That last pic of Noah looks SOOO much like dustin. Like he is peering out of those eyes!!! KISS that baby!!
Haha I love that last picture!
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